Tapiwanashe Sebastian Garikayi:
The Sankofa in the Afrikan writing system journey
Sankofa can be defined as “going back to the past and bringing forward that which is useful” In this talk, I’ll share my journey of creating fonts for Afrikan writing systems demonstrating how that can enable us to connect the past with the present allowing us to be culturally intelligent designers of the future!
This talk is scheduled to take place online, , 2021, at in your current time zone (/UTC), as part of the main Typographics conference. Conference registration is available on a pay-what-you-can basis.
About Tapiwanashe Sebastian Garikayi

Tapiwanashe is a graphic & type designer from Zimbabwe. As a creative, he strives to develop work that speaks to others about the beauty that exists in Afrikan culture and societies, breathing new life into his work so that Afrikan ideas, innovation & lifestyle are visible. After observing the current digital typography landscape, he noticed that few fonts support native Afrikan writing systems & of the few that exist, some are not accessible to the general public. This motivated him to embark on a project to create fonts that support Afrikan writing systems.
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