Giulia Fagundes:
What about design, is it political?
In this talk, Giulia will go through her career as a graphic designer building visual identities and projects as a way to share her purpose with others of using typography as her ally. This talk invites you to question habits we tend to follow in Design and proposes changes so that we have different perspectives for a more humane and plural future.
This talk is scheduled to take place online, , 2021, at in your current time zone (/UTC), as part of the main Typographics conference. Conference registration is available on a pay-what-you-can basis.
About Giulia Fagundes

Giulia Fagundes is a graphic designer. She has won the Latin American Design Festival 2020 as a Young Talent. She composed the Young Guns 18 judges’ panel and others such as the Brasil Design Award 2020. Her main interest is to address political issues through her projects and reflections, aiming at a more heterogeneous design. Features that are expressed by her feats as director of the “Designers Negres no Brasil”(Black designers in Brazil) initiative, a partner from the design studio, Daó and through her personal projects.
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