Alicia Márquez:
Lápiz. Bézier. Cincel. — Pencil. Bezier. Chisel.
A stroll through practices and knowledge that inevitably converge and diverge in permanent flow. Calligraphy, handwriting, typography, drawing, design, and carving in search of expression and emotion. The observation, exploration, and execution of words and letters beyond their meaning or language.
Un paseo por las prácticas y saberes que inevitablemente convergen y divergen en constante movimiento. Caligrafía, escritura, tipografía, dibujo, diseño y tallado en busca de expresión y emoción. La observación, exploración y ejecución de letras y palabras más allá del lenguaje o el significado.
This talk is scheduled to take place online, , 2021, at in your current time zone (/UTC), as part of the main Typographics conference. Conference registration is available on a pay-what-you-can basis.
About Alicia Márquez

Alicia Márquez is a letter artist who uses calligraphy and letter carving as tools to constantly search for expression. After graduating with a degree in graphic design from the University of Buenos Aires—where she also taught typography—she worked as an art director in Buenos Aires, Miami, and Chicago. She approaches lettering and stone carving from an expressive point of view, using light, reflections, shadows, and carving techniques in a non-traditional way.
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