Catherine Griffiths:
Variation on a Theme
Variation on a Theme takes a wander through a series of typographic and vowel-based interventions, interactions and deviations, where language, double-meaning and word-play are at the centre. This talk is another take on A Type of Improvisation (2011–), and Journeying into the Landscape [of Passion, Disappointment and Hope] (2002–08), with recent study »So far: a map of projects, a drawing« (2017, installed 2019) for context around process and practice.
This talk is scheduled to take place online, , 2021, at in your current time zone (/UTC), as part of the main Typographics conference. Conference registration is available on a pay-what-you-can basis.
About Catherine Griffiths

Catherine Griffiths (b.1966) is an Aotearoa New Zealand typographer, designer, artist, educator, curator, writer, publisher, activist and feminist. Improvisation is critical to her practice which moves between graphic design, self-publishing, and commissioned art installations in public and private spaces, architectural and landscape. Projects include the Wellington Writers Walk, a series of large-scale concrete text sculptures (2002, 2004); the curation and co-organisation of TypeSHED11, Wellington (2009); the compact »typ gr ph c« workshop series; and her ongoing Vowel series including »AEIOU—constructed/projected« (Typojanchi, 2015) and »Light Weight O« (2012, installed 2018). Three years ago she protested against gender and cultural inequities in design, founded the platform Designers Speak (Up), and curated a poster project and exhibition hīkoi, Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa. 2019 saw her first survey show »Catherine Griffiths: SOLO IN [ ] SPACE« in Shanghai. She has exhibited in Aotearoa, Chile, France, USA, China and Korea.
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